Cruising through life?

“A cruise ship must have a captain at the front. You can’t be in the back watching the wake.” quoted from a straight line lesson by Jordan Belfort.

Belfort, Jordan “Straight Line System”

I find myself sometimes remembering wrongs that have been done against me or old mistakes I’ve made. I get stuck in the past reliving the same pain instead of piloting my ship.

If I happened to run aground or hit an iceberg I would just say “I knew it would happen again. I can’t have anything, I’m not supposed to get anywhere in life. It is just like the other times.”

I created a self fulfilling prophecy.

Real talk. The only reason I hit the iceberg was because I wasn’t at the wheel in the first place, I wasn’t piloting my ship. I didn’t even really have a destination in mind if i’m being honest. Sailing along letting things happen, instead of making things happen.

So I had to learn how to make real goals.  Setting a destination and listing everything it takes to get there. Putting in the work, not just skating along. Yet just like when I use google maps I know I won’t make it to my end goal without some lapses in the map and errors in my journey. Some places I go or people I see are going to remind me of my past, and not to mention the ones that get in your way both intentional and unintentional.

I’m not going to the back of the boat to see what I left behind anymore.  I can’t let myself get stuck in the past. So I tell myself ”Keep both hands on the wheel and hold on tight because it’s going to be a bumpy ride, but there will be calmer seas up ahead.”  I have to learn to celebrate the goals I accomplish on my way to the destination, because Lord knows I punish myself enough when I make mistakes.

For those who relate to this message I have two words: Forgive yourself.